Windows Logo Shortcut

With the help shortcut “Windows logo key” on the keyboard, you can access the control panel or menu is available in Windows more quickly. Your job can be quickly resolved without the need to be busy finding the location of the menu that you want to open.
The “Windows Logo Key” is located between the Ctrl and Alt keys left of the keyboard). Almost all brands have this button keyboard.
Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts using the Windows logo key, “which is often used to help you resolve to accelerate the work. Please note that these shortcuts only work on computers using the Windows operating system.
1. Windows : to display the Start menu.
2. Windows Logo + D : to show the desktop, minimize application windows are open or restore (restore) all application windows are open.
3. Windows Logo + E : to open Windows Explorer.
4. Windows Logo + F : to display the file menu search (Search Results).
5. Windows Logo + Ctrl + F : to display the search “Search Results - Computer.”
6. Windows Logo + F1 : to open the menu’s “Help and Support Center.”
7. Windows Logo + R : to open a dialog box “Run”.
8. Windows Logo + break : to open a dialog box “System Properties”.
9. Windows Logo + M : to minimize all application windows are open or in other words back to the desktop.
10. Windows Logo + shift + M : inverse of the Windows Logo + M, namely, to undo all the windows that minimize.
11. Windows Logo + L : to lock the workstation
12. Windows Logo + U : to open the menu, “Utility Manager”.
Thanks.., addree…!!


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Bahagia dan derita adalah pilihan bebas kita. Pilihlah bahagia, dan singkirkan penghalangya, maka hidup Anda akan menjadi sebuah perayaan, dan diri Anda pun akan menjadi Berkah bagi dunia. (Be Happy :), Anand Krishna.)